Australijska organizacja WIRES, zajmująca się ekologią, z pomocą agencji Ward 6 z Sydney zorganizowała w sierpniu br. kampanię wizerunkową – „WIRES – Saving our wildlife from ourselves, której celem było pozyskanie wolontariuszy, którzy pomogliby jej w ratowaniu małych zwierząt. Wytwory człowieka (choćby puszki, druty kolczaste, termometry) są dla nich niebezpieczne, co pokazują layouty reklamowe. Styczność z nimi może doprowadzić zwierzęta do okaleczenia i śmierci.
1: After 3 days in an air-conditioning duct, it wasn’t just his tongue that was blue. This blue tongue lizard must have been more than a little relieved when one of our volunteers extracted him from his chilly hiding place. One can only hazard a guess as to how he found his way in there, but even a cold-blooded reptile can probably think of a better spot to spend a long weekend. Every day, our volunteers rescue hurt, frightened animals from predicaments like this. If you’d like to help, go to and find out how you can become a volunteer.
2: The turkey was wild. And after four hours with his head stuck in the can, the bower bird was pretty livid too. Spending a hot Saturday afternoon in a can of Bourbon and cola might be an appealing thought to many Australians, but for this underage drinker it nearly led to a sticky end. Every day, hundreds of our native animals are forced out of their natural habitats and into contact with humans. Thanks to a Wires volunteer, this one escaped with just a dry throat and a sore head, but many aren’t so lucky. If you’d like to help, go to and find out how you can become a volunteer.
3: Some frequent flyers have more to lose than their luggage.
The next time you find yourself pondering the joys of air travel, spare a thought for our flying foxes. Given the choice, they’d gladly swap airline food and over zealous customs agents for the barbed wire fences and power lines that ground many of them permanently. And considering their vital role in pollinating our native forests, it’s in all our best interest to keep them airborne. Our volunteers rescue and rehabilitate dozens every year, but there are many they can’t save. If you’d like to help, go to and find out how you can become a volunteer.
nazwa kategorii: Kreacje / printy
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